Student Publication

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Tamoghana Mandal & Arvind Singh presented a paper on “Applying Cancerous Glycolitic Deregulation Blue Print for Metabolite Overproduction in Microorganism” in BIOHORIZON 2006, 8th National Symposium on Biochemical Engineering and Biotech at IIT Delhi.

Amit Srivastava presented paper on golden rice: Introducing The A-Carotene Metabolism into Rice Endosperm in National Seminar GENESIS organized by HBTI Kanpur.

Abhishek Awasthi student of Biotech Department has published research paper in international journal “Propionytrinal induced nutrias of Rhodococcus spp NDV-1165 and its application in nicotinic acid synthesis World J of microbial and biotech-2015-16.


Ms Deepti Bangari student of Information Technology, was awarded Bronze Medal for standing at Third position in UPTU in convocation of 2015-16.

Ms Nishi Sinha student of Computer science, was awarded Gold Medal for standing at First position in UPTU in convocation of 2015-16.